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IT Class 9


  Unit 1 - Communication Skills 

Session 8- Talking about Self
Session 10-Asking Question 2

All students are requested to NOTE Down notes in IT copy.

(You may write your assignment in copy and upload upto 10 photos or write in MS Word and upload document file like .doc, .docx ) 

Unit 2 - Self Management 

Session 3 Self Confidence 
Session 4- Positive Thinking

 Home Work 

Answer the following questions:
1. Which of the following is not a self-management skill?
(a) Problem solving (b) Bargaining
(c) Understanding self (d) Confidence building

2. Grooming is a term associated with
(a) time management (b) problem solving
(c) neat and clean appearance (d) self-management

3. List any 05 self-management skills.

4. What steps should one take to build confidence?
(a) Set goals in life (b) Appreciate oneself for all the achievements
(c) Always think positively (d) Talk to people who are confident

5. What are the factors that affect self-confidence? 

Note : Write your Home Work in IT copy

Unit 3 - Basic ICT Skills 

First Practical for session 2021-22 
PQ1 - Write steps to create an E-mail account in Google.   Practical 1  (Upload screen shot of each steps)
Sample video to create G-mail account is - ( video by Ayush Kumar 9 B)

Thanks for reading. If you like it, please share with your friends.


Unit 4 - Entrepreneurial Skills
PDF Notes - Download

Session 1 - Topic of Debate - 1. Entrepreneur and Business  2. Discuss One Case Study

Class IX – Chapter 4 (Entrepreneurship Skills - I)


A.  1. Which of the following is a business activity?

(a) Manufacturing           (b) Hybrid                            (c) All of these

2. Which of the following is a corporate type of business enterprise?

                (a) Sole proprietorship  (b) Partnership                 (c) Joint Stock Company



A. 1. An entrepreneur is a/an

(a) Innovator                     (b) Risk taker                     (c) Both of these

2. The process of improving the skills and knowledge of entrepreneurs through various training and classroom programs is called

                (a) Entrepreneurship development                         (b) Planning        (c) Organizing



A.  1. Basic raw material is broken into several useful materials in manufacturing business type:

(a) Analytical                      (b) Synthetical                   (c) Processing

2. Manufactured components or parts are combined together in manufacturing business type:

                (a) Analytical                      (b) Processing                   (c) Assembling

3. The head of this form of business enterprise is known as ‘Karta’:

                (a) Sole Proprietorship  (b) Partnership                 (c) Joint Hindu Family Business

4. Characteristic s of Entrepreneurship is

                (a) Creative activity         (b) Risk bearing activity (c) All of these

5. A person who starts an Enterprise is

                (a) Manager                       (b) Organiser                     (c) Entrepreneur


B. 1. What do you understand by Business?

Business refers to all economic activities which are concerned with the production or purchase and sale or exchange of goods and services with the objective of earning profits.


2. Define Entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship is the process of discovering and opportunity, mobilizing resources, launching an enterprise to exploit the opportunity and an attempt to create value.


3. What is Hybrid business?

Hybrid businesses are companies that may be classified in more than one type of business.


4. What do you understand by a cooperative society?

Cooperative society is the one which is organized with the purpose of rendering service to its members and to the public in general. It is organized on the principle of mutual self-help. As an incorporated association of persons, it enjoys perpetual life. It has a distinct identity and the liability of its members is limited.


5. State the roles of an Entrepreneur.

The roles of an Entrepreneur are

a) Entrepreneurial functions consisting of Innovation, Risk taking and Organisation building.

b) Promotional functions consisting of Discovery of an idea, Detailed investigation, Assembling resources and Financing the proposition

c) Managerial functions consisting of Planning, Organising, Staffing, Directing, Controlling and Coordination

d) Commercial functions consisting of Production, Marketing, Personnel, Accounting and Finance.

6. State three characteristics of Entrepreneurship.

Three characteristics of Entrepreneurship are

a) It is a purposeful activity

b) It is a creative activity

c) It is a risk bearing activity


C. 1. Name three types of Business activities with two examples of each.

Three types of Business activities are

a) Manufacturing   Business

b) Service Business

c) Hybrid Business

Two examples of Manufacturing Business are Automobile industry and Cotton Textile industry.

Two examples of Service Business are Accounting firms and Law firms.

Two examples of Hybrid Business are Restaurant Business and _______

2. Name the forms of Business enterprises classifying them on the basis of corporate and non-corporate.

The forms of Business enterprises are

A) Non-Corporate

                i) Sole Proprietorship

                ii) Joint Hindu Family Firm

                iii) Partnership Firm

B) Corporate

                i) Joint Stock Company

                ii) Cooperative Society


3. What are the various types of manufacturing business industries?

The various types of manufacturing business industries are

a) Analytical

b) Synthetical

c) Processing

d) Assembling


4. Give four advantages of entrepreneurship.

Four advantages of entrepreneurship are:

Independence: An entrepreneur is his own boss. He can take all decisions himself. He need not obey someone.

Ambition fulfillment: Entrepreneur can convert their original ideas into a new product or service.

Freedom: Entrepreneurship allows the freedom to try out one's ideas.

Status: Success in entrepreneurship brings considerable fame and prestige


Unit 5 - Green Skills

Download Green Skills PDF contents

Notes : 
A. Multiple choice questions

1. What are some of the environmental changes caused due to modern methods of agriculture?
(a) Chemical pollution due to fertilisers (b) Improvement in the environment
(c) Lower air pollution due to crops (d) Decrease in forest areas

2. How can we conserve our health and environment? (Choose all the correct options)
(a) Grow organic crops (b) Use natural fertilisers
(c) Manage waste water (d) Use more air conditioning

3. A steel factory burns firewood and charcoal for heating and melting the steel? What are the
possible effects on the environment? (Choose all the correct options)
(a) Increase in global temperature (b) Decrease in global temperature
(c) Increase in air pollution (d) Decrease in air pollution

4. What does conservation of energy mean? (Choose all options that apply)
(a) Saving energy (b) Producing energy
(c) Using energy efficiently (d) Creating energy sources

5. Which of the following are non-renewable resources? (Choose all options that apply)
(a) Coal (b) Diesel
(c) Sun (d) Water

6. Which of the following is an example of renewable resources?
(a) Coal (b) Solar Energy
(c) CNG (d) Petroleum

7. Which of the following options describe a green economy correctly? A green economy
(a) uses less resources (b) uses more resources
(c) wastes less items (d) wastes more items

B. Short answer questions.
1. What are the five sources of energy available to us? Give two examples of each source?
Ans. The five sources of energy available to us are:
● Land Resources: Human beings thus, use land as a resource for production as well as
residence and recreation. Example: infrastructure development.
Forest Resources: A forest is a natural, self sustaining community characterised by vertical structure created by the presence of trees. Example: furniture, gums.

Water Resources: Water covers about three quarters of Earth’s surface and is a necessary element for life. Example: rivers, oceans. 

● Mineral Resources: A mineral deposit is a concentration of naturally occurring solid, liquid, or gaseous material in or on the Earth’s crust. Example: Iron, Salt. 

Food Resources: Resources that are used as food, or provide food for organisms are called food resources. Example: Plants. 

2. What are the sources of pollution? 

Ans. The sources of pollution are: 

● Exhaust fumes released from vehicle pollutes the air

● Excessive use of chemicals in agriculture (like insecticides and fertilisers) affect the alkalinity of the soil or the soil pH. It adversely affects the health of microorganisms and other organisms in the soil. 

● Plastic waste like bottles, bags, etc., thrown on land and sea pollutes the water and destroys the flora and fauna. 

● Dangerous gases (chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs, methane, carbon dioxide, etc.) released into the air. 

3. Classify the following under the three respective categories of natural resources: Air, iron, sand, petroleum, wind, clay, fish, forest, gold, pearls. 



Non Renewable

Air, Sand 

Wind, Forest, Fish 

Iron, Petroleum, Gold, Clay, Pearls

4. Write any five actions which you can take to conserve energy. 

Ans. The actions which can be taken to conserve energy are: 

● Switch off lights, fans, TV and other electrical items when not in use. 

● Remove dust on the tubes and bulbs to improve lighting levels by 10 to 20%. ● Keep vessels covered with a lid during cooking. It is useful in cooking the food faster and saving energy. 

● Do not keep the door of the refrigerator open for a long time. 

● Travelling in a bus or travelling in a group in a carpool is better than going alone in a car. 5. Describe any five methods of water conservation. 

Ans. The five methods of water conservation are: 

● Constructing dams and reservoirs to regulate supply of water to the fields, as well as to enable generation of hydroelectricity. 

● Industrial wastes (effluents) should be treated to prevent chemical and thermal pollution of fresh water. 

● Rainwater harvesting should be done by storing rainwater and recharging groundwater. ● Sewage should be treated and only the clear water should be released into the rivers. Judicious use of water in our day-to-day life. 

6. What is the purpose of soil conservation? 

Ans. Soil conservation means checking soil erosion and improving soil fertility by adopting various methods.Soil conservation can be useful for the following: 

1. Maintenance of soil fertility: Fertility can be maintained by adding manure and fertilizers regularly as well as by rotation of crop. 

2. Control on grazing: Grazing should be allowed only on specified areas. 3. Reforestation: Planting of trees and vegetation reduces soil erosion. 

4. Terracing: Dividing a slope into several flat fields to control rapid run of water. It is practised mostly in hilly areas. 

5. Contour ploughing: Ploughing at right angles to the slope allows the furrows to trap water and check soil erosion by rain water. 

7. What are green skills? 

Ans. Green skills are those skills required to adapt processes, services and products to climate change and the environmental rules and necessities related to it. They embrace the information, abilities, values and attitudes required to live in, develop and support a sustainable and resource-efficient society. These skills are needed in areas similar to renewable energy, sewer water treatment, climate resilient cities, green construction, solid waste management,etc. 

8. Give two examples of green skills that you can start learning from now. Ans. The two examples of green skills are: 

Use of solar energy 

Use of hydroelectricity


HOME WORK  (28-05-2021)
1. List any 5 websites of the Indian government which provide IT enabled services to the people.
2. What are the pros and cons of using ICT?
3. Give examples of use of IT in everyday life.
4. Which software are used in digital communication?
(Do in copy)

Practical Assignment - 1

HOME WORK (31.05.2021)
1. What is Document?
2. What do you mean by documentation?
3. Write two differences between Type writer and  Word Processor.
4. Write steps to save your document with password.

Practical Assignment 2 of Digital Documentation (Unit-3 )

Practical Assignment 3 of Digital Documentation (Unit-3 )

UNIT- 4 Electronic Spreadsheet 
UNIT- 5  Digital Presentation


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